My husband and I were both qualified lifeguards for many years in our teens and twenties and after a few years in the job, I also qualified as a swimming instructor and picked up extra hours teaching little ones to be confident in the water. My choice of words is deliberate, as while I did have a hand in teaching many children to swim, making sure they were happy and confident in the water was always my main goal. Seeing children who cried about coming or clung to their parents legs, blossom and gain confidence was so rewarding and if they managed to jump in, join in with a game or even learn to pull themselves through the water a little bit, then that was the icing on the cake!
Our children love the water. Ace can be a bit reluctant at first, but once he's in, he thinks he can swim and is super keen to throw himself around and mess about with toys and floats. What he loves to do most of all, is explore the poolside but we try to keep him in the water as much as possible so that he doesn't slip or get too cold.
Swimming Lessons
We began taking both children swimming for fun when they were just a few weeks old. Due to our backgrounds with the water, we decided against any baby swimming lessons and agreed to wait until we had taught them the basics before considering handing them over. This strategy has paid off so far, as Honey recently had her first taste of swimming lessons and ended up jumping two classes by the end of the week (it was an intensive course at the local leisure centre). Even though we are less regular swimmers these days, due to my husband's shift pattern, it's something we all love to do together and a life skill that we will continue to encourage as the children get older.
Showers with Mummy or Daddy
From an early age, either my husband or I would take our babies into the shower occasionally to prepare them for showering after swimming, but also to get them used to having water on their faces. We started off with just a few seconds (then the other parent would take the baby off the person in the shower) and built it up from there. Singing and (careful) dancing can help if your little one finds it a bit frightening at first, Ace's favourite shower song is "I hear thunder..."
Blow Bubbles in the Bath

Choose a No Tears Shower Gel
We use Child's Farm 3 in 1 Swim in the shower after swimming. Even I use it, then just add a blob of leave in conditioner to my wet hair once i'm changed. The all in one formula makes showering super quick and it also smells delicious! One bottle is so much easier to hold and keep track of than 3!
We use Child's Farm 3 in 1 Swim in the shower after swimming. Even I use it, then just add a blob of leave in conditioner to my wet hair once i'm changed. The all in one formula makes showering super quick and it also smells delicious! One bottle is so much easier to hold and keep track of than 3!
Choose your Swimming Aids Carefully
Traditional, blow up arm bands can be tricky for littles ones. They're bulky and put their arms into a bit of an unnatural position. With Honey, we used a little seat for a few weeks, but actually found that just holding her or tying a swimming woggle round her waist was more fun and allowed her to kick her legs and move her arms freely. As she got older, this method also allowed her to become more independent in the water and choose where she wanted to go (with us close by).
The best product we have used with Honey is the Swim Fin. We were lucky enough to be given one by Honey's childminder when she was about 2 and a half and it instantly revolutionised her swimming. The fin allows children to adopt a proper swimming position in the water and explore the pool as if they were swimming unaided. It velcros securely round your child's torso and although it is lightweight, it is really sturdy so won't bend or snap when stored.
Most recently, I have invested in a Mini Manta for Ace. I don't usually buy things that have the potential to be a bit of a gimmick, but after seeing this on Instagram and doing a lot of my own research around it, I was sold. We have used it for 3 swimming sessions so far and I am really impressed. Ace calls it his boat and enjoyed lying on his tummy kicking his legs while I gently pulled him through the water. It is also suitable as your child gets older and more skilled in the water, Honey used it to lie her head back on and kick her legs and even I did a few drills using it as a kick board and leg float.
Consider swimwear carefully, yours and theirs. When mine were little, all they wanted when we got out of the pool (and sometimes even before) was milk. This meant that I had to wear a costume I could easily feed in, which for me was my maternity halter-neck tankini, tied at the side to get rid of the excess fabric! For the children, we went with wraps and wetsuits for the first year or so, as we found that without them, our time in the water was limited to about 15 minutes before they started to shiver and go a bit blue. Once they got older, they were fine in a traditional costume or shorts. We have also always chosen to use a disposable and neoprene nappy in tandem, to reduce the risk of leaks! Also consider the location of your swim, if you're outdoors, think about investing in a sunsuit made from fabric with a high SPF, as well as a water resistant sun screen. Be sure to follow the washing instructions on your sunsuit in order to preserve the life of the SPF.Towels
When ours were little, we used to take two towels for them. One to take on to the poolside and pop on as soon as we left the water and another one to use for drying off after a shower. The poolside towel meant that we could remove the wetsuit and neoprene nappy in the water which is SO much easier than trying to wrestle it off as it starts to dry! It also means that you can rinse off their swimsuits under the shower and wrap them in the poolside towel, saving a job when you get home. My top tip is to ditch the hooded towels as soon as they show signs of being too small and use bath sheets or towels so that your little ones don't get their heads stuck and become stressed or agitated.
Once our children started weaning, we would take snack bags or pouches to the pool with us (we use these fab ones made by Nom Nom Kids) so that we could keep the children occupied while we changed. I always get myself dried and dressed first incase there's a fire alarm (again with the ex-lifeguard brain) or one of them needs to go to the toilet. As long as they're wrapped in a snuggly towel and have snacks, they have always been fine about this! Taking your own snacks also helps to avoid the lure of the vending machines so will save you money too!
Locker Organisation
Firstly, make sure you have the correct change for a locker (if needed), the lockers in our local pool take 50p's which you get it back afterwards so I just pop it back into the swimming bag for next time. Next, when you're all changed and ready to get it the water, think about how you load your locker. I put our sling and shoes at the bottom because I know we won't need them until last, then I put the bag with all the clothes in, then the snack bags, followed by our towels and finally a small sponge bag with the 3 in 1 swim bottle and a Tangle Teezer to comb it through with.
My overriding mission when we go swimming is to make the experience as fun and fuss free as possible. These are thing things we do to make that happen and if you've read this far, I hope you might have picked up a tip or two along the way! Whether you decide to swim just for fun or enrol your children in swimming lessons, I would say that having a child who is happy and confident in the water is half the battle. Once they're at that point, the rest will follow. As with everything in life, it will come to some more easily than others and, as with everything they learn, some children will grasp swimming quickly and some will take a bit longer and that's ok. Have fun and stay safe everyone, thanks for reading!
Honey wears... Watermelon swimsuit by Primark
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